Saturday, December 12, 2009

Spätzli !!

Quick notes on one of my swiss favorites, Spätzli!

Here is a pic of my favorite store-bought one, which also adds a fair amount of vegetables to the eggy bizarre noodles.I recently found in the classic awesome book "The Joy of Cooking" that they actually have a recipe for making Spätzli, which I tried out twice. The basic recipe for Spätzli is just:
2 eggs
1 1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup water
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp double-acting baking powder
you beat them all together, then boil small tubes of it in boiling saltwater.
The first time was pretty funny, because I was not aware of just how much it would poof up when boiling (due to the baking powder), so my normal-sized noodles I piped into the water ended up being bloated dumpling monstrosities.
One normally would use what's called a "Spätzli -cutter" which squirts them out in the right sizes, but I just did a pastry-bag type version of piping them into the boiling saltwater.

Still, the dumplings tasted good! :) I had also flavored mine with a bit of garlic powder and chili powder in the batter for fun. btu they were definitley weird amorphous dumplings.
So the second time I made them the appropriate size, and they looked great, until I needed to strain them out of the boiling water, then they really stuck to gether badly, and were a tad too soft to keep their form if trying to toss them in some olive oil or sauce to get them to separate again.
Overall, still working on perfecting a homemade recipe!

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