From this book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice, I made their cinnamon roll recipe, to test out a different way than I normally make them, and these were absolutely scrumptuous!
Looking forward to eating them again! (Email me for the recipe--he writes in a long style, so I took pics of the 4 pages of the recipe) I love that book by the way....
Normally, I make a whole lump of them bundled together in a springform pan, with really juicy filling making them more like stickybuns than cinnamon buns. So this time it was nice to find that making them as separate rolls also turns out really well, with soft moist dough (with thanks to the egg, milk, and fat you add to the dough!), and the sugar inbetween sinks down to make a light carmelized crust on the bottom which was a nice crunchy touch..