Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Vanilla chai latte... the fast&easy way!

One quick post for tonight! I've gotten sadly out of habit of posting my bazillions of pics, so time to catch up soon!

...I always really liked getting vanilla chai lattes at cafes in the US... and here found a way to make them which tastes good and is very easy w/o a milk-steamer! Just microwave a cup of milk until steaming hot, brew the chai tea directly in the milk until you can tell it's gotten darkened/lightly tan with the tea, and then some flavorful raw sugar and a splash of vanilla extract, and to me it tastes like I had just paid 3 bucks for it at the cafe like the good ol days... :) this tends to be my pre-workout breakfast each morning!! With skim milk and not excessive sugar it's just enough to not feel heavy but enough energy to do my workout... and a delicious start to the day sipping my latte with a view of the lake on the train.... darn i'm spoiled!!

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